The "acquisitionChannel" field allows you to track the source of a booking; it's an optional field that can be passed as a string during booking creation, either using the booking widget v3 or the booking API.
We recommend using this property to gain insight into the booking distribution across your channels and campaigns.
How to pass the source with the booking details when creating a booking:
How to retrieve the booking source
The acquisition channel can be found in the following:
*Note: the "Acquisition channel" is excluded by default (ask your Booxi representative to include it)
*Note: the "Acquisition channel" is excluded by default (ask your Booxi representative to include it)
Included in all appointment and reservation webhook events. The “acquisitionChannel” property is at the root of the booking object.
The acquisitionChannel property will be included in the booking object in the following endpoints:
Get /Booking
Get /Booking/{bookingId}
Get /Calendar
Put /Booking (included in the response)
The booking widget v2 does not support this field; "acquisitionChannel" will be empty for bookings created using BNv2.
The acquisition channel value is passed during booking creation, and won't be changed when a booking is edited.
The acquisition channel is included in the webhook data for appointment.updated and reservation.updated.
The acquisitionChannel property string shall comply with the following requirements:
64 characters max (truncated if over 64 characters)
Supports the following characters:
Numbers, letters
Spaces are not supported
Examples of valid values: