In this article, we have put together some important information about time zone management in order to always display the correct online availability for your customers.
The Time zone on your Booxi account
The time zone of your Booxi account is determined based on the address you provide when creating your account.
⚠️ If you change the region after creating the account, the time zone will not automatically adjust. Please contact Booxi support team to update it.
Add Time Slots and Appointments manually in your Booxi account
When you manually add time slots (available or busy) or appointments in your Booxi calendar, set your computer's time zone to the same one as your Booxi account. This way, there won’t be any disparities between the schedules/appointments you enter and what you offer online.
How to update the time zone on Windows
In order to do this, go to your computer Settings. Select Date and Time and make sure you have the configuration below. Select the time zone in which your Booxi account is located.
How to update the time zone on MacBook
On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Settings, click General in the sidebar, then click Date & Time on the right. (You may need to scroll down)
Set the time zone automatically or manually.
Automatically: Turn on “Set time zone automatically using your current location.”
Manually: Turn off “Set time zone automatically using your current location,” click Set, enter a city in the text field, select the full city name from the list, then click OK. On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Settings, click General in the sidebar, then click Date & Time on the right. (You may need to scroll down.)
The Time zone in the Booking Widget
The availability times displayed in the booking widget reflect the availability based on the time zone of the Booxi account.
Let’s look at an example. If a Booxi account is set to the America/New York time zone, the hours displayed on the widget will be the availability hours based on the America/New York time zone regardless of the time zone in which your client and/or your client's computer is located.
If your customer makes an appointment from Europe for example and selects 9 am among the available choices. In that case, the appointment will be scheduled at 9 am EST since the Booxi account is in the America/New York time zone.
The Time zone in the Confirmation email
Body message
The confirmation and reminder email(s) sent by Booxi will display the appointment time based on the time zone of the Booxi account, so in this case, that would be 9:00 am EST.
ICS event
Depending on the time zone of your mailbox, an ICS event will appear above the automatic email to convert the appointment time to your own time zone.
In this example, an appointment made for 9 am EST in a Booxi account will be shown at 3 pm if you are in the CET time zone in your mailbox.
⚠️If you see a different time zone in this ICS event, you should update the time zone of your mailbox (Google Mail, Outlook, etc...)