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Booxi Check-in App
Updated over 3 months ago

The Booxi Check-in App is designed to allow you to easily capture and track attendance.

How to login

First, download the Booxi Check-in App on Google Play or on the App Store. To login, follow these steps:

  1. Open the app

  2. Click the button shown below to set your region (Americas or Europe) and preferred language (French or English).

  3. Enter your credentials.

  4. Click "Continue".

  5. When logged in, choose the store you want to connect to (if you have access to several)

How to switch profiles

To switch between Booxi accounts, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Mobile App

  2. Open the menu from the upper left corner

  3. Click on the icon shown below:

  4. Click on the profile you want to connect to

Navigating the menu

  1. Choose your preferred language

  2. Switch profiles

  3. Store visits: track the number of people that have visited your store

  4. Group Events: check-in attendees and view reservation info

Group Events

  1. Main menu

  2. Search bar (search by client name, email address or phone number OR by event name)

  3. Dropdown list (i.e. select a specific group event)

  4. Date

  5. Check-in/View reservations

  • Check-in scan interface

    1. Number of checked-in participants / Number of participants that booked

    2. View reservations

  • Check-in attendees by scanning their QR code. Their QR code is found in their reservation reminder client email:

  • After you scanned a QR Code, a new window will open

    1. Select the appropriate attendee icon when there are multiple attendees

    2. Click to validate the check-in


  1. Vibrations

    1. If enabled, the user's device will vibrate whenever a scan is successful.

  2. Quick scan

    1. If enabled, the scan result will be skipped (if disabled, you'll need to press "OK" after each check-in)

  3. Camera Sleep

    1. If enabled, the device camera will be put to sleep while not scanning (this is to save power).

  4. Group Scan

    1. If enabled, scanning one attendee will check-in the entire reservation at once (i.e all attendees associated with that reservation).

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