The following technical prerequisites are required to activate the Bambuser connector:
Branded Bambuser active account
Receive from Bambuser a web conferencing url to be added at the service level
Required webhook configuration
List of events available here. Consider enabling the suggested events based on the module used : appointment.created, appointment.updated, appointment.status_updated or reservation.created, reservation.status_updated, reservation.updated
HTTP POST method
Static authorization token to be included into the webhook request headers
Endpoint (webhook url)
If you’re using Booxi standard emails, the Bambuser web conferencing url is automatically added in the emails
If you’re using any custom email, you'll need to dynamically generate the Bambuser web conferencing url for your customers
Integration for One-to-One Meetings
Step 1. Confirmation Emails
First, customize the URLs at which your clients and staff should be redirected to join their scheduled calls. To do so, contact your Booxi representative and provide the URLs in the following format. Make sure to adapt the following examples with the actual data from your own website and Bambuser configuration.
For clients
For agents{orgId}/one-to-one/agent-tool?connectId=ext:BooxiBookingId
Step 2. Sync Booxi Meetings into Bambuser One-to-One
Next, in your Bambuser dashboard, under Settings > Configurations > General, enable “Bookings” and select “Other” as a booking system.
Then, contact your Bambuser representative and request an API Key for a Booxi integration. Once your API key has been issued, you will find its details in the Bambuser Dashboard under Settings > Integration > API Keys.
Next, ask your Booxi representative to set up a webhook integration for the following Booxi events with the configuration listed below.
POST request to with the header: Authorization: Token YOUR_API_KEY.
Make sure to replace “YOUR_API_KEY” with your Bambuser API key (e.g. Authorization: Token ABC123DEF456).
Step 3. Link a Booxi Staff to a Bambuser Agent
In Booxi, on a staff member's summary page, locate and copy their staff id. Per the example below, the staff id would be 35372 (omit the # sign).
Then, in the Bambuser Dashboard access an agent’s profile and assign its calendar id with the staff id found in Booxi.
Once configured, all bookings made for a specific staff member in Booxi will be available to the corresponding agent in Bambuser.
Step 4- Assign a Bambuser URL to your services
In Booxi, assign your services a Bambuser videoconference link by following the below steps.
Select a service that will be provided using Bambuser videoconference.
Under the service’s details, locate the property “location”.
From the dropdown list, Select “By Video Conference”.
Make sure “Generate video conference link” is unchecked.
In the text box below, type in the URL at which the videoconference is hosted.
Example of a hosting URLhttps://your-website/your-meeting-page/?bambuserConnectId=ext:
Click on “Insert a variable” and select “Booking ID” in the list to create a unique URL for each booking.
Example of URL with variablehttps://your-website/your-meeting-page/?bambuserConnectId=ext:[booking_id]
Integration for One-to-Many Meetings
Step 1- Create an event in Bambuser
In Bambuser, create a one-to-many event and copy its URL.
Step 2- Create an event in Booxi
In the Back Office create a group event and paste the Bambuser URL in the text box found under the service details.
For more information on the Booxi/Bambuser integration, consult your Booxi representative.