The purpose of the connector is to bridge Booxi to a Salesforce Calendar account using a standard connected app to share and synchronize appointment data between both environments. Booxi can interface with Salesforce Core and Service Cloud.
To create and configure a calendar connector, you must meet the following requirements:
You run one of these Salesforce editions: Enterprise Edition, Performance Edition, Unlimited Edition or Developer Edition.
You have administrator rights or the equivalent in Salesforce; this is because the integration requires the creation of a connected app for Booxi including a client ID and client secret.
This integration requires object mapping between Booxi's and Salesforce's entities (client, staff, event, service)
API Host
Determine if Booxi can create a staff, service, client if it doesn't exist in Salesforce
Determine if Booxi can cancel an event in Salesforce if it has been canceled in
Your Salesforce module in Booxi Back Office is activated.
Connector Configuration
Salesforce’s interface comes in two flavors: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience. While the differences are mostly UI-related, this guide will provide a detailed explanation on how to complete each step for both interfaces. Follow the instructions described below.
First, a connected app must be created in order to gather the necessary information to configure the Booxi connector.
Create a Connected App
Connect to your Salesforce account and follow these steps.
If you are using Salesforce Classic:
1. Click “Setup”.
2. On the left-hand side menu, under Build - Create, click on Apps.
3. Under Connected Apps, click on the New button. Then, jump to step “4”.
If you are using Salesforce Lightning:
① From the Lightning home page, click on the gear icon and select Setup.
② From the Setup home page type “App Manager” in the quick find box.
③ Select “App Manager” in the search results.
④ Click on “New Connected App”.
⑤ Populate the mandatory fields marked in red.
Under Basic Information, fill out the following fields:
Connected App Name : Booxi Salesforce Calendar
API Name : booxi_salesforce_calendar
Contact Email :
⑥ Under API, check OAuth Settings and follow the below steps:
Check the “Use digital signatures” checkbox.
Click on “Choose file” and select the certificate file provided by Booxi. If you haven’t been given the certificate file, consult your Booxi representative.
In Selected OAuth Scopes, add the following scopes:
Access all Data Cloud API resources (cdp_api)
Access the Identity URL service (ID, profile, email, address, phone)
Access unique user Identifiers (openId)
Manage user data via Web browsers (web)
Manage user data via APIs (api)
Perform request at any time (refresh_token, offline access)
Last, check the “Issue JSON Web Token” checkbox. For more information about the JSON Web Token, consult the following link.
⑦ Next, check “Configure ID Token” and add the following settings:
In the Token ID Audiences textbox, type the URL of your authentication server: for an Experience Cloud site.
Check “Include Standard Claims”.
⑧ Click Save at the bottom of the page.
When prompted to do so, click Continue.
⑨ Back on the Setup home page, select “Manage” from the newly created app.
⑩ Click “Edit Profile”.
⑪ Under “OAuth Policies”, set the property “Permitted Users” to “Admin approved users are pre-authorized”. Confirm the change by clicking “Ok”.
⑫ Under “JWT-Based Access Token Settings”, make sure “Issue JSON Web Token” is checked. Then, click Save at the bottom of the page.
⑬ Back on the App summary page, scroll down to the section named “Profiles” and click “Manage Profiles”.
⑭ Scroll down and check ”System Administrator”. Click Save. The connected app is now fully configured in Salesforce.
⑮ On the summary page of your connected app, note the following information and share it with your Booxi representative so the connector can be configured.
OAuth Client ID, known as Consumer ID.
OAuth Client Secret, known as Consumer Secret.
Audience: The authentication server to encode in the JWT claim.
(i.e., the email associated with the Booxi Salesforce configuration.
Once the connector is created and configured, you must pair data from Salesforce and Booxi. This process is known as mapping.
If you are prompted with the following error message, this usually means the certificate has not been uploaded.
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"invalid assertion"}
Configure Booxi Connector
Once the connected app is configured, the Booxi team will finalize and activate the connector.
With the process now complete, you must pair data from one database to another. This process is known as mapping.
Object Mapping
Object mapping involves associating data from one database to another. This task is performed by Booxi staff from an excel sheet where objects and fields have been paired to their respective counterparts. Only by doing so will the connector know how to create calendar entries in accordance with your Salesforce database.
A default object mapping will suffice if you aren’t using custom objects or fields. On the contrary, if you do use custom objects or fields a custom mapping may be required (see section below).
Default Object Mapping
Here’s a list of standard objects and fields as supported by the connector. All entries listed below are mapped by default in lib-salesforce. Customers are not required to provide their own mapping if their objects and fields are included in the below list.
Standard Objects
in Salesforce | in Booxi | Description |
Event | event | Represents an event in the calendar. In the user interface, event and tasks are collectively known as activities |
Contact | contact | Represents a contact, a person associated with an account. |
User | user | Represents a user in your organization, a staff per Booxi standard. |
Service | service | Represents an appointment, services to be rendered. |
Standard Fields per Object
Object | Salesforce Field | Booxi Field | Description |
event | Event | “name” | Name of Object |
| OwnerId | “staff” | Staff assigned to this event |
| Subject | “subject” |
| Whold | “contact” |
| ActivityDateTime | “start” |
| ShowAs | “status” |
| Description | “description” | Contains the description associated with the event as well as any survey answer and additional request. |
| WhatId | “service” |
| DurationInMinutes | “duration” |
contact | Contact | “name” | Name of object |
| Id | “id” |
| FirstName | “firstName” |
| LastName | “lastName” |
| “email” | Field used for matching when basic data is not sufficient. | |
| Phone | “phone” | Contact's mobile phone number |
staff | User | “name” | Name of object |
| Id | “id” | Staff’s ID |
| FirstName | “firstName” | Staff’s first name |
| LastName | “lastName” | Staff’s last name |
| “email” | Staff’s email address | |
service | Service | “name” | Name of object |
| Id | “id” |
| Name | “name” | Field used for matching when basic data is not sufficient. |
Mapping Exception - Salesforce Core
Salesforce Classic uses all standard objects and properties as listed above in default mapping. However, note that the following exception applies:
In Salesforce | In Booxi | Description |
ServiceAppointment | sevice | In Salesforce Classic, the standard object “ServiceAppointment” must be mapped to booxi’s service object. |
Mapping Exception - Salesforce Service Cloud
Similarly, Salesforce Service Cloud mapping uses all standard objects and properties as listed in default mapping. However, note that the following exception applies:
In Salesforce | In Booxi | Description |
Event or Task | event | In Salesforce Service Cloud, it is necessary to choose if an event or a task will be created in the calendar. Therefore, its corresponding field must be mapped accordingly. |
Custom Object Mapping
Salesforce custom objects can be mapped comparably as a standard object. However, they must always be mapped to an existing object or field in the Booxi database. The following will present how to create a custom mapping using a JSON file instead of an excel sheet.
How to implement a custom mapping JSON
A custom mapping JSON must minimally include a choice of format and mappings for all four required objects: event, contact, staff and service.
The format determines if a calendar entry will be created as an Appointment or as a Service.
withAppointment: set to “true” to link Salesforce Event as an Appointment. Only in Salesforce Classic.
withService: set to “true” to link Salesforce Event as a Service.
Note that the above fields are mutually exclusive; therefore, only one can be set to true.
Create an object “event” and, within an array map all standard or custom fields pertaining to an event, task or appointment.
Example JSON Format
"name": "Event",
"subject": "Subject",
"contact": "WhoId",
"service": "WhatId",
"start": "StartDateTime",
"end": "EndDateTime",
"status": "status__c",
"WhatId": "",
"description": "Description",
"Consultant__c": "content.staffs.metadata.salesforce_staff_id",
"Shop__c": "content.merchant.metadata.salesforce_store_id",
"Service__c": "",
"Note__c": ""
Mappable Variables from the Webhook Payload
Here’s a list of all variables found in the webhook payload that can be mapped to any custom object defined by a salesforce user. All variables are stored in
Variable | Type | Description |
confirmationNumber | String | Contains a booking's confirmation number. |
merchantId | Integer | The ID of the merchant the booking was made with. |
bookingMethod | String | Type of booking. Possible values are:
status | String | A booking's current status. |
quickNote | String | Contains any quick note associated with a booking, Only for appointment type bookings. |
isCompleted | Boolean | Is the booking completed? |
isScheduled | Boolean | is the booking scheduled? |
totalClientTimespan | Timespan | A booking's total time from the client perspective. This object contains the following variables:
This object cannot be mapped directly but the variables within can be mapped individually. |
staffId | Integer | The ID of the staff associated with a booking. |
staffVideoConferenceUrl | String | URL at which a staff can join the video conference when the booking is provided online. |
location | String | Location at which the booking is held. |
locationText | String | Textual description of the location at which the booking is held. |
clientCount | Integer | Number of clients for a booking. |
clientCommunications | String | This variable describes how client communications should be managed.
client | Client | This object contains all details from a client record. This object cannot be mapped directly but the variables within can be mapped individually. |
payment | BookingPayment | The payment associated with a booking. This object contains the following variables:
createdBy | String | Name of the staff or client who created the booking. |
modifiedOn | String | Date on which the booking was last modified. |
modifiedBy | String | Name of the staff or client who last modified the booking. |
additionalRequest | String | Additional Request information provided by the client at booking (optional) |
Create an object “contact” and, within an array map all standard or custom fields pertaining to the client or account being served.
Example JSON Format
"name": "Account__c",
"id": "Id",
"firstName": "FirstName",
"lastName": "LastName",
"email": "PersonEmail",
"phone": "Phone"
Create an object “staff” and, within an array map all standard or custom fields pertaining to the resource involved in rendering the service.
Example JSON Format
"name": "Consultant__c",
"id": "Id",
"lastName": "Last_Name__c",
"firstName": "First_Name__c"
Create an object “service” and, within an array map all standard or custom fields pertaining to the service being rendered.
Example JSON Format
"name": "Service__c",
"id": "Id",
"name": "Name"
Your final custom mapping JSON should be as the following:
"withAppointment": false,
"withService": true,
"name": "Event",
"subject": "Subject",
"contact": "WhoId",
"service": "WhatId",
"start": "StartDateTime",
"end": "EndDateTime",
"status": "status__c",
"WhatId": "",
"description": "Description",
"Consultant__c": "content.staffs.metadata.salesforce_staff_id",
"Shop__c": "content.merchant.metadata.salesforce_store_id",
"Service__c": "",
"Note__c": ""
"name": "Account__c",
"id": "Id",
"firstName": "FirstName",
"lastName": "LastName",
"email": "PersonEmail",
"phone": "Phone"
"name": "Consultant__c",
"id": "Id",
"lastName": "Last_Name__c",
"firstName": "First_Name__c"
"name": "Service__c",
"id": "Id",
"name": "Name"
How to Link Services and Staff to Salesforce
Services and Staff in Booxi can be linked to their Salesforce’s equivalents. To do so, each service and staff must be assigned their corresponding Salesforce ID.
For Services
To assign an ID to a service specific to a merchant, proceed to the Back Office and follow the Back Office instructions listed below. If you are using service templates to update several merchants at a time, proceed to the Head Office and follow the Head Office instructions below.
In the Back Office, follow these steps:
Select any service.
In its summary page, click “Integration Module Links” ①.
Type in its corresponding Salesforce service Id ② and click “Save” ③.
In the Head Office, follow these steps:
Select any service template.
In its summary page, click “Integration Module Links” ①.
Type in its corresponding Salesforce service Id ② and click “Save” ③.
Repeat these steps for every service you wish to assign an ID.
To apply your changes to all assigned stores, you must perform an “update service to stores” by following these steps:
Select the service you wish to update to stores ①. Only one service at a time.
From the Options menu, select “Update Service To Stores” ②.
Check Service Details ③ and expand the list ④.
Make sure “Integration Module Link” ⑤ is included, then click on “Update” ⑥.
Once the update is completed, you will be prompted with a success message.
For Staff
Select any staff member.
In its summary page, click on “Integration Module Links” ①.
Type in its corresponding Salesforce employee Id ② and click on “Save” ③.
Client Record - Creation and Matching
Upon creating an appointment, Booxi will validate if the client already exists in Salesforce. If it does, it will be linked to its corresponding entry in the Salesforce database. If it doesn't, a new entry will be created in Salesforce by the connector. New clients are created and linked automatically by the connector. The connector must have the access rights for that step to be performed.
In order to identify if a client exists or not, a search will be performed using the following matching rules:
Client ID
When an appointment is created in Booxi with a “Salesforce Client ID”, a webhook event will be sent to the connector and, using the Salesforce API, the client will be identified with the provided ID.
Client’s full name or email address
When an appointment is created in Booxi without a “Salesforce Client ID”, a webhook event will be sent to the connector and, using the Salesforce API, the client will be identified with their full name (first and last). If its name is missing or incomplete, the matching will be performed with their email address.
Remember that the connector offers the option to send out error messages to one or multiple recipients. Consult the section "Configure Booxi Connector" for further details.
Common Error Messages
Error Message | Cause / Solution |
“Did not find staff” | Staff’s email address in Booxi differs from Salesforce |
“Service doesn’t exist” | Service id sent by Booxi doesn’t exist in Salesforce |
"User hasn't approved this consumer" | Under the OAuth policies of the connected app, make sure permitted users are "Admin approved users are pre-authorized". |
In most cases, errors are due to a mismatch between Booxi’s and Salesforce’s databases. To solve the problem, take the following steps:
Review and compare data assigned in the Back Office for typos or mismatches.
Review mapping file for any discrepancies in objects or fields.
Documentation and External Links
Salesforce Connected App: Salesforce Connected App Help
Salesforce Object Documentation: Salesforce Standard Object Reference