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Appointment approval modes
Updated this week

In Booxi, you may choose whether your appointments are approved manually or automatically. 

To find this setting, go to "My Business" tab > Booking Rules > Appointment Approval Modes. There are 4 modes of approval: 

  1. Manual: your appointments will be listed as "Request awaiting your approval" until a Booxi user approves it.

  2. Automatic: your scheduled appointments will be automatically approved

  3. After a delay: your scheduled appointments will be automatically approved after a delay (you must define the delay)

  4. Automatic (after online payment completed): your scheduled appointments requiring online payment will be automatically approved ONLY AFTER the client has successfully completed payment; until payment is provided, the appointment will be listed as "Request awaiting your approval". As such, clients will receive a confirmation message only AFTER they provided payment.

We strongly recommend enabling "Automatic (after online payment completed)" if you have any services requiring payment.

Bookings will only be automatically approved if a staff member has been assigned to it and its date/time is defined. This means that even if your approval mode is set to "Automatic", "After a delay" or "Automatic (after online payment completed)", bookings that either have no assigned staff member or defined date/time will require manual action on your end. To avoid this scenario, we recommend setting your service's Online Personnel Selection mode (see Service booking rules) to "Personnel selection" or your Time Selection mode to "Automatic dispatch"; this is to ensure that all bookings will have a staff assigned and a defined date/time.

Additional notes

  • If your approval mode is set to "Automatic", whenever a client edits (i.e. reschedules) their appointment, it will be "Approved".

  • If your approval mode is set to "Manual", whenever a client edits (i.e. reschedules) their appointment, the booking will have "Rescheduled" status.

  • When the "auto-cancel unpaid booking" setting is enabled, appointments requiring payment will be cancelled regardless of their current status (even if previously approved).

  • For services whose online payment method is “Capture card info”, submission of card information is considered successful completion of payment.

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