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Complete an appointment

Manually complete an appointment or enable automatic completion

Updated over 3 months ago

Appointments can be completed manually or automatically.

Completed appointments are displayed in grey in the Calendar tab, as shown below:

Manually complete an appointment

  1. Go to the "Calendar" tab

  2. Right-click an appointment you want to complete, then click "Complete"

  3. The appointment will become grey.

    1. If you've enable automated thank you messages, it will be sent now.

    2. If you've activated automated appointment recalls, you'll be prompted to specify when to send it.

Enable automatic appointment completion

  1. Go to the "My Business" tab > Booking Rules > "Complete Appointment".

  2. Specify the delay:

    1. Example: if you set the delay to 3 hours, all your appointments will be automatically completed 3 hours after the end of the appointment time.

  3. Save. 

Note : group events will always be automatically completed, even when the setting is disabled in the business rules. The delay will be the one specified in your booking rules.

Reopen a completed appointment

You can reopen a completed appointment at any time. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Calendar" tab

  2. Right-click the appointment you want to reopen, then click "Reopen".

If you've enabled automated thank you messages: when you complete an appointment that was previously completed, thank you messages will not be sent again.

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