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Booxi for your Bike Shop
Booxi for your Bike Shop
Updated this week

Here are some suggestions for how to set up booxi to meet the specific needs of your bike shop! Not all of these suggestions might apply to the specific workflow of your particular shop, but these are some ways booxi can cater to the more complex needs of bike shops.

Services with Fixed Price & Duration

Some Bike Shops will simply want to list the different types of repairs that they offer, along with specific prices and durations for each one. They may also include another repair called “General Service” which is for when customers don’t exactly know what is wrong with their bike. To achieve this workflow, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Services tab
2. Add a new Category titled “Repairs” (or whatever you want)
3. Add a new Service
4. Write in the name of this service (ex: Brake Adjustment)

5. Go into Service Details and configure the Duration, Price, and all other settings you want for this service
6. Go into Assigned Personnel and assign which staff you want to be able to perform this service
7. Set your Service to Available Online
8. Repeat this process for every different Service you wish to create

And you’re done! Now, all your different repairs are created in booxi, and can be booked by your customers online!

Fittings & Tune-Ups

For Bike Shops that offer Fittings and Tune-Ups, these can be combined together using the Appointment Recall feature in booxi. Here are the steps to be able to set it up:

1. Create your Fitting and Tune-Up services exactly as shown in the above section

2. Go to your My Business Tab
3. Select Appointment Rules
4. Near the bottom of the menu, Activate Appointment Recall (change it from grey to blue)
5. Set up the Appointment Recall Delay to whatever time frame you want
6. Now, when you complete your Fitting appointments (or any appointments) in your booxi Calendar, you will be prompted with a window asking to send a Reminder to schedule a Followup Appointment in a certain time
7. You can customize the delay and the type of service to be exactly what you want! So you can change the service in this menu to be a Tune-Up, reminding the customer in a certain period of time after their fitting that they should schedule a Tune-Up appointment with you!

Drop Offs

Allow your customers to schedule their bike drop offs through booxi. We have a couple different options for how this can be done!

Option 1: Fixed Drop Off Timeslots
If you want your customers to book specific times where they will have to come in and drop off their bikes, follow these steps.

1. Go to your Personnel tab
2. Add a new Personnel named Drop Off (if you are a solo worker who is only using booxi to schedule drop offs, this is not necessary)

3. Go to your Services tab
4. Add a new Service called Drop Off
5. Edit the Duration of the Service to be whatever you want (ex: 15 minutes) and assign it only to your Drop Off personnel (if you created one)

This way, your customers can book specific time slots where they will be expected to come in and drop off their bikes at your shop!

Option 2: Full Day Drop Off Availability
If you want your customers to come in at any time of the day, but also want to limit how many bikes you can take in per day, follow these steps

1. Create your Drop Off personnel exactly like you did in Option 1
2. Go to your Services tab
3. Add a new Service called Drop Off, and make it a group reservation instead of an appointment with one customer
4. Configure your Duration to be 8 hours (or whatever time range you want) and configure your capacity to be however many bikes you want to take in per day

5. Go to your Calendar
6. In the top left corner, select your Drop off calendar

7. In the top right corner, click on New Group Availability
8. Add your Drop Off availability at the time you want

9. Copy/Paste this onto every subsequent day using the Copy/Paste for Days and Weeks feature

This way, your customers will just choose a day they will come in, and be able to drop off their bike any time that day!

Pick Ups

Client Messages is an extra feature in booxi that does not come standard on your booxi subscription, but can be added for you upon request (subject to additional cost). If your clients don’t need to stay with their bikes for the whole time their service is being done, it might be helpful for you to be able to quickly and easily get in contact with them just to inform them that their bike is ready to be picked up!

1. Go to your Calendar Tab
2. Right click on the appointment you want to contact your customer about
3. Select Notify Client
4. Type in your message to your customer, and you can even save it as a preset to be able to send the same message to multiple customers without having to type the same thing over and over again.
5. **IMPORTANT**: This feature will not work if you have not indicated to us that you would like it added to your account!

Group Rides & Events

If your Bike Shop hosts Group Rides or other types of events, you can create and manage these with booxi as well! Here’s how to do it:

1. Go to your Services Tab
2. Add a new Category for Group Rides (or whatever you want)
3. Add a new Service called Group Ride and specify that it is a Group Reservation

4. In Service Details, configure the price, Duration, Capacity, and any other settings for this service
5. Once this is complete, go to your Calendar tab
6. In the top right corner, click on New Group Availability to add the event to your calendar

7. You can then right click on the event and Copy and Paste it to different times and days
8. If you have multiple group events every day or week, check out how you can copy and paste entire days or weeks of group events to build your event schedule quickly!

Additional Features

Then all you have to do is to turn your booxi account online, add the book now button directly on your Website and your customers will be able to book online. 

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