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Managing custom consents

Feature limitations, how to add/edit/delete custom consents, notes

Updated over 3 weeks ago

During the booking process, clients are asked to grant their consent to certain terms and conditions. Consents can be mandatory or optional. In the Back Office, you can create and configure custom consents.

  • To see the effect of consents in webhooks, see here.

  • To obtain consent data from automated reports, see here.

If you choose not to create your own consents, Booxi’s native consents will apply by default (see Booxi’s Privacy Policy and Service Agreement).

Consents are used to gather permissions for the following cases:

  1. Collecting and/or storing client data

  2. Sending your clients information (e.g. marketing material like newsletters, promotions and updates)

This is what consents look like in the booking widget:

Notes and limitations

  • Custom consents are only supported in the booking widget (v3).

  • As a business, you’ll need to ensure that the consent options you present are clear and compliant with relevant laws, according to the region(s) and/or country(ies) you operate in.

  • For group reservations:

    • When a client booking a group event provides consent, mandatory consents will be implicitly granted for all reservation attendees; a consent record will be created for every attendee ("proxy" will be set to "RequestingClient").

    • For optional consents, a consent record will only be created for the client who booked the group event.

  • When a booking is made offline (i.e. created on behalf of a client), all mandatory consents will be implicitly granted.

You are responsible for storing and maintaining your client consent data. For more information, contact your Booxi representative.

Activate custom consents

You must be an administrator.

The Custom Consent feature can either be configured from the Head Office or Back Office (speak to your Booxi representative for more info). If configured from the Head Office, the setting will be disabled in the Back Office in all stores associated with the Head Office. If not configured from the Head Office, the setting will be available in the Back Office in every store (My Business > Booking rules).

In sum, if you want to allow stores to configure their own consents, ask for Back Office configuration and vice-versa if you prefer the configuration to be done from the Head office.

  • “Enable Custom Consent” (toggle ON/OFF)

    • Toggle ON: Display custom consent options

      • Admins will be able to create/edit/delete consents.

    • Toggle OFF: Hide all custom consent options

If you enable the toggle but don’t create any consents, Booxi’s native consents will apply. When at least 1 custom consent is created, Booxi’s native consents will no longer apply.

When using the custom consent feature, we strongly recommend telling your clients that we (Booxi) keep a record of their consents and other related data during the booking process. You can do this by including a link to Booxi's native consents in one of your custom consents or by adding it to your own terms and conditions document(s).

You can configure your consents in the “Consent Configuration” section.

Add a consent

  • To add a consent, click the + button (you may add up to 5 consents). When adding a consent, you must do the following:

    1. Enter a title (not visible to clients)

    2. Choose whether the consent is mandatory or optional

      • If mandatory, clients will be required to grant their consent for the booking to be created.

    3. Choose the consent frequency:

      • Ask at each booking

        • *Note: Mandatory consents will be requested at each booking by default.

    4. Provide consent text (mandatory, visible to clients)

      • In the text editor, enter text and/or embed links.

  • You may also provide necessary translation(s) for the consent title and text, if applicable.

Edit consents

  • Click the options icon associated with the consent you want to edit, then click “Edit consent”.

Whenever you edit a consent, ask yourself: “Is this change significant enough that my clients will need to resubmit their consent?”

  • If the answer is no, then simply save your changes and exit. When you do this, a new version of your consent will be created; your clients will NOT be asked to resubmit their consent.

  • If the answer is yes, then you must delete your existing consent and create a new one. This is necessary so that your clients will have the opportunity to resubmit their consent.

Delete consents

  • Click the options icon associated with the consent you want to delete, then click “Delete consent”.

Additional notes

  • Each consent will be identified by its own unique ID.

  • Custom consents are associated with clients, not services. If you require consent for individual services (for example, your service requires your clients to sign a waiver), create mandatory surveys (see Services > Service details).

  • Custom consent and shared clientele:

    • If you have multiple stores (and are managing them through a Head office account), we recommend sharing your clientele amongst your stores. This is because if your clientele is not shared, your clients will have to provide consent every time they book for a different store, even if the consent is the same in all cases.

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