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Staff work schedules

Work schedule types and how to edit them

Updated over 2 weeks ago

To access a staff member's work schedule setting, follow these steps:

  • Go to the "Personnel" tab

  • Select a staff member

  • Click "Work schedule"

In Booxi, there are 3 different types of work schedules:

*Note: Work schedules only apply to "Personnel with calendar".

Open Business Hours

Choose this option if you want your staff's availability to match your business open hours.

Weekly work schedule

Choose this option if your staff's availability does not match your business hours, but is generally fixed (i.e. does not often change).

To set a "Weekly Work Schedule", follow these steps:

1- Click the “⊕” button

2- Select a date range; this will serve as the effective period of your weekly schedule.

3- For each day of the week, select a start and end time (you may add multiple time ranges within a day). The example below showcases a daily schedule with 2 time ranges: one from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and another between 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM (notice the break between 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM).

*Note: You may create multiple weekly schedules, but they cannot be overlapping. Only one will be active at any given time (the active schedule will be marked with a green dot).

⚠️ Important: When editing a staff's weekly schedule, changes are applied in real time. If a schedule is to end soon but no subsequent schedule is created, the staff will be considered unavailable until a new schedule is created.

4- Once completed, click Save.


Choose this option if your staff's availability is highly variable (i.e. can change from day-to-day or week-to-week).

*Note: if this option is chosen, the staff is considered unavailable by default. To make them available, you must manually add available time slots to their calendar.

Note about availability

A staff's schedule determines their availability for booking. However, it is always possible to manually add available and/or busy time slots to their calendar. Available time slots are used to denote staff availability, whereas busy time slots are used to denote staff unavailability (i.e. staff cannot be booked by clients during that time). For more info, see here.

Import Staff Schedule

You can import staff schedules from a CSV file, instead of entering them manually in Booxi. See here for a full guide on this feature.

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