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Personnel booking rules
Updated over 3 months ago

Booking rules only apply to personnel of type “Personnel with calendar”.

Enable Online Booking

Choose whether this staff member can be booked online.

  • If enabled, this staff member will be available for clients to book online (i.e. on your booking page and/or through the booking widget on your website).

  • If disabled, this staff member will not be available for clients to book online. However, they can still be manually assigned to bookings in the Calendar tab.

Show Availability Online

Choose whether your staff’s availability will be taken into account when booking online.

  • If enabled, the date/time slots shown to clients during booking will take into account personnel availability. For example, if a given staff member is available between 9 AM - 5 PM on Monday, the available date/time slots shown to clients will reflect that.

  • If disabled, the date/time slots shown to clients during booking will not take into account personnel availability. Instead, clients will be prompted to submit up to 5 availability slots within your business open hours, which will be sent to you for approval.

Communication Preferences

  • If set to “Alerts and Emails”, the staff member will receive email communications and in-app alerts.

  • If set to “Alerts only”, the staff member will not receive email communications, only in-app alerts.

Email communications include appointment confirmations, modifications and cancellations.

Booking Interval

Set the interval of available time slots shown to clients when booking online. We recommend setting this interval to the duration of the shortest service you offer.

Here's an example of what clients would see for a 30 minute personnel interval (1 hour service duration):

This interval applies only when the service's online personnel selection mode is set to "Personnel selection". In all other cases, the service interval will apply.

Receive a Daily Schedule Reminder

Enable this setting to send automatic email or text reminders containing the staff member’s daily schedule of appointments and group events. A daily schedule looks like this:

Options include:

  • Do not send

  • Send a detailed email

  • Send an SMS reminder

Schedule Reminder Delay

Determine how much time before the day’s opening hours the schedule reminder will be sent (the above setting must be set to “Send a detailed email or “Send an SMS reminder”).

Share calendar

If enabled, all personnel who have access to a Booxi account can view this staff member’s calendar (in the Calendar tab) and manage their bookings .

Enable invoices and receipts

Use a custom footer whenever the invoice is created for this personnel.

External Calendar Sync

Enable to synchronize your external calendar with your booxi calendar; see here for more details.

This option is only displayed in the profile of users of type “Personnel with calendar” that do not have a personal Booxi account. If the user is invited to join Booxi and logs in to their account, this option will no longer be shown in their profile; however, the user himself will be able to see it in his own account.

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