In Booxi, you can easily track and manage your rentals.
For a complete overview of your rentals, go to the Calendar tab, then select the Rental schedule option shown below:
In the rental schedule, you have 4 views to choose from:
Availability View
Displays all relevant information for one chosen resource.
Pickup view
Displays the items that are scheduled to be picked up on the selected date.
Rental view
Displays the items that are currently rented out, and expected to be returned on the selected date. If you are viewing today's date, it will also include late rentals (i.e. rentals that were supposed to be returned.)
List view
Displays all relevant information for one or many chosen resource(s).
From the rental schedule, you can perform the following:
Search by client name, phone, email or booking number.
Filter by resource
Rearrange column order
Add or edit rentals
Cancel a rental
Take a payment and/or update the payment status
You can also quickly search using the top search bar.