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Appointment statuses
Updated over a week ago

Appointments can have different statuses based on the latest update from the staff or the client. Here is a list of all appointment statuses in Booxi:

*Tip: Check out the different Booxi alerts and how they relate to statuses.


The appointment is approved (i.e. no further action is required). The approval could have been done automatically or manually.

Awaiting the client's approval

If you manually create an appointment in the calendar or if you make a change and request the client to confirm the appointment, this will be the appointment status until the client confirms. Once confirmed by the client, the appointment status will change to "Approved".


Appointments can be cancelled by the personnel, either:

  • Manually from the calendar

  • Automatically if you requested online payment and the booking was auto-cancelled due to lack of payment.

Appointments can also be cancelled clients if allowed in your booking rules.

Request awaiting your approval

  1. If your appointment approval mode is set to "Manual", appointments will have this status until you approve them.

  2. If your appointment approval mode is set to "Automatic (after online payment completed)", appointments that are awaiting payment will have this status (i.e. until the client provides the required payment).


This means that the appointment is finished; appointments can be completed manually or automatically (depending on booking rules).


This means that the client has not shown up to their scheduled event; must be applied manually.

Client has arrived

This means that the client has arrived to their scheduled event; must be applied manually.


An appointment will gain this status when a client modifies their appointment.

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