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How to mark an appointment as a no-show

Easily mark an appointment as no-show if the client missed his appointment.

Updated over a week ago

One of your customers did not attend his appointment and did not contact you. You can easily mark appointment as a no-show so you keep track of it in your customer history.

For this:

  1. Go on the Calendar tab

  2. Select the appointment you want to mark as a No-Show!

  3. Right click on it, and select the option No-Show!

  4. The appointment becomes purple, and you're done!

Note: From the customer booking history you can easily check if there has been a lot of No-Shows!

Cancel a No-Show

You can can a appointment market as No-Show at any time.

For this:

  1. Go on the Calendar tab

  2. Select the appointment you want to mark as a No-Show!

  3. Right click on it, and select the option Undo No-Show!

  4. The appointment becomes green again and you're done!

Consult this article to complete an appointment.

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