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Personnel templates

How to create/delete personnel templates, apply templates to staff, configure edit settings and permissions

Updated over a week ago

For the purposes of this article, ‘personnel’ and 'staff’ are used interchangeably.

What is a personnel template?

A personnel template encompasses a set of predefined profile information and settings that can then be applied to new and existing staff members.

Personnel templates are meant to:

  • Streamline the creation and configuration of staff profiles that share similar information

  • Facilitate mass editing of staff (e.g. change the assigned services of 50 staff with one action)

Personnel templates can only be applied to staff of type ‘Personnel with calendar’.

Personnel templates include the following fields (*Note: person-specific fields like ‘First Name’, ‘Last Name’, ‘Preferred Language’ and online status are excluded from this list):

  • Personnel Summary

    • Image

  • Personnel Details

    • Position

    • Mobile Phone

    • Work Phone

    • Email

      • [Setting] Allow clients to reply

    • Biography

  • Assigned Services

  • Booking Rules

How to create a personnel template


  • You must be logged in to the Head office.

  • You must be a Head Office Administrator.

To create a template, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Head Office account.

  2. Navigate to the ‘Personnel’ tab.

  3. Click the ‘Add a new template’ button.

  4. Name your template.

  5. Click ‘New’ to create the template.

  6. Select the template, then configure it as you see fit.

    1. Specify the Personnel details

    2. Select the Assigned Services

    3. Configure the Booking Rules

  7. Save your changes.

Newly created templates will be listed as offline by default (i.e. not available to be applied in your stores). To make it available, list it as online.

Online templates can be applied to staff in all stores associated with the Head Office.

How to apply a personnel template during staff creation

Personnel templates can be applied when creating a new staff profile in the Back Office.


  • You must be logged in to the Back office.

  • You must be of user type ‘Administrator’, ‘Supervisor’ or ‘Manager’.

When creating a staff profile, select the appropriate template, as shown below:

The chosen staff member will inherit all the information and settings included in the template.

How to apply a personnel template to an existing staff member

You can apply personnel templates to existing staff members.

To do so, simply select a staff profile, click the options button [⋮] in the top right corner of the profile, and click “Change template”. Once applied, the staff member will inherit all the information and settings included in the template.

How to update a personnel template (and apply the update to stores)

You may update your personnel templates at any time.


  • You must be logged in to the Head office.

  • You must be a Head Office Administrator.

  1. Navigate to the ‘Personnel’ tab.

  2. Select a personnel template, and make the appropriate changes therein.

  3. Then, to apply your changes to your stores, click the options button [⋮], then select ‘Update Personnel to Stores’. Your changes won’t be applied unless you do this.

  4. Select the elements you wish to be updated.

  5. To complete the action, click “Update”; all staff members that are assigned this template will be updated.

When updating a template, the changes will overwrite the existing fields, including those that were changed after the original assignment of the template.

Template edit settings and permissions

You can determine whether Back Office users will be allowed to edit staff profiles that have a personnel template assigned to them, and which fields can be edited (see ‘Personnel details’ > “Store Edit Control”). There are 3 options:

  1. ‘Store can edit’ (default): authorized users may modify staff profiles that have a template assigned to them.

    1. *Note: when editing a staff profile that has a template assigned to it, the template remains assigned.

    2. *Note: this can be useful for staff whose profile information/settings are slightly different than what is defined in the template.

  2. ‘Store cannot edit’: users may NOT modify staff profiles that have a template assigned to them.

  3. ‘Store can edit with limitations’: authorized users may edit staff profiles that have a template assigned to them with some exceptions (see below for excluded fields)

Here is a table showing the edit permissions for each option:

Store can edit

Store cannot edit

Store can edit with limitations

Personnel details and summary




First Name*




Last Name*






Mobile Phone



Work Phone






Allow Clients to Reply


Preferred Language*








Assigned services

All Assigned Services



Booking rules

All Booking Rules


Person-specific fields like ‘First Name’, ‘Last Name’, ‘Preferred Language’ and ‘Biography’ can always be edited.)

How to delete a personnel template


  • You must be logged in to the Head office.

  • You must be a Head Office Administrator.

To delete a personnel template, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Head office account.

  2. Navigate to the “Personnel” tab.

  3. Check the boxes of the template(s) you wish to delete.

  4. Click the options button [⋮].

  5. Click “Delete Personnel”.

Deleting a personnel template will not affect the information/settings in the profiles of staff that have the template assigned to them. The deletion will simply remove the template from them.

It’s worth noting the difference between listing a template as offline and deleting it. Offline templates still exist, and if previously applied to staff profiles, remain applied even when listed offline. Listing a template as Offline simply makes it unavailable for application to staff profiles. On the other hand, deleted templates no longer exist (and are removed from staff profiles when deleted); information and settings are not erased.

Other information

  • You can quickly see which template is assigned to a staff member by navigating to their profile, then selecting “Change template”; the template shown is the one currently applied.

  • Each template has a unique ID.

  • When applying a template to a staff member, they will inherit only the assigned services that also exist in that store.

    • For example:

      • A template has assigned services A and B; Store 1 has service A.

      • Result: Staff members in store 1 who are assigned the template will only have assigned service A (because service B doesn’t exist in that store).

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