Client import is possible if you are using Lightspeed; if not, you must be on the Standard or Custom plan (contact your Booxi representative for more info).
Lightspeed client import
Ensure the Lightspeed integration is setup.
Go to the "Clients" tab
Click the options button, then "Import from Lightspeed"
In the window, click "Import Customers"
The import process length may vary based on the amount of clients being imported.
We recommend importing your client list from Lightspeed as soon as possible after creating your booxi account. Here are some additional notes:
If you have duplicates in your Lightspeed client list, it will be imported into Booxi as well.
If you perform an import after having already done so, only clients that do not currently exist in Booxi will be imported.
There is no sync of client information from Lightspeed to Booxi (i.e. clients added in Lightspeed are not automatically added to Booxi).