Frequently asked questions
26 articles
"I can't login."
"I can't edit services."
"When I click the CTA, the widget doesn't open."
"My service is not displayed in the booking widget."
"The booking widget shows no availability. Why?"
"All date/time slots are greyed-out in my booking widget. Why?"Conflict with the "Limit time before" and "Limit time in advance" settings
[Automatic dispatch] "How does Booxi determine which staff member to assign appointments to?"
"My staff member's login email changed. What should I do?"
"My customers say they aren't receiving booking notifications (emails/SMS). Why?"Possible causes for emails/SMS not being received.
"Why do I get a 404 error on my booking page?"404 error booking page troubleshooting
"What determines the booking interval shown to clients in the booking widget?"It depends on your online personnel selection mode and time selection mode (if applicable)
"My staff member does not appear in the list of personnel offered. Why?"Either because the staff member is not assigned to the service or the member's online booking setting is disabled
"Can I import my client list into Booxi?"
"My service cannot be booked. Why?"The "Enable online booking" setting is disabled for your service or your business
"No time slots are shown for my group events. Why?"
"I want clients to choose time slots when booking online, but they're asked to submit availabilities. Why?"
"What is the difference between 'Display time slots with automatic dispatch' and 'Display time slots with automatic dispatch (resource)'?"
"How to change the language of my booking widget?"
"Can I refund my clients in Booxi?"No, but you can generate a refund invoice and send it to the client.
"What's the difference between the personnel email and the user access email?"
"How do service and business booking rules interact?"
"Can I accept online payments with Booxi?"
Understanding Offline and Online statuses
"How do I access my booking page"?
"My Lightspeed integration is not working anymore. Why?"Potential cause: outdated domain
"My clients can't modify and/or cancel their appointments, even though the setting is enabled. Why?"