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Booxi account setup
Update your business profile information
Update your business profile information

Set up your business profile information with pictures, business details and your open business hours.

Updated over a week ago

Updating your Business profile is the 1st recommended step when setting up your Booxi account. In your Business profile, you can update the following information:

Change your profile & cover picture

Your business profile has a profile and cover picture. Both visuals are displayed on your Booxi booking page and Booking widget.

From My Business tab :

  1. You can set or change your profile and cover picture by clicking on the camera icon at the bottom of the current cover picture.

  2. Click on the Upload a photo button to upload a picture from your computer or tablet

  3. Click on the Reset to default button to remove the picture. Use the 4 blue dots to crop or select the visible portion of the picture

  4. Click on Save the photo button to save your changes, or click on the X at the top to cancel your changes


The dimensions for your pictures are 1500px500px for the cover picture and 400px400px for the profile picture.

Update the Business Details 

  1. Go to My Business tab

  2. Click on “Business Details” to review the details of your business

  3. Update the information that you wish

    1. Business name

    2. First name and Last name of the main contact

      (this information is only used by Booxi to contact you)

    3. Business Phone number

      (you can display this information on your Booxi Booking page or hide it)

    4. Website URL link

    5. Business Address

      (you may show this information on your Booxi Booking page and Booking widget or hide it)

  4. Once you have completed your changes, click on Save

⚠️Important Note

The following details cannot be changed:

  • Booxi site – You may copy and paste this URL into a social post, or any marketing material. This is the Booxi-generated website that can be used by your customer to book. Make sure it is online if you wish to use it.

  • API Key – this series of letters and numbers is a key that you will need to integrate the Book Now button into a website or directory. You may need to give it to your website developer.

Setup the Open Business hours

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